
Handling Exceptions in Plugins

Handling Exceptions in Plugins

The Problem When trying to catch an exception in a plugin, you get this error: ISV code reduced the open transaction count. Custom plug-ins should not catch exceptions from OrganizationService calls and continue processing. Microsoft provides information about handling exceptions on plugins: Handle exceptions in plug-insUse InvalidPluginExecutionException in plug-ins and workflow activitiesTroubleshoot plug-ins The last of these states, “You can’t swallow the error, so you must make sure to always return an InvalidPluginExecutionException.” This isn’t entirely true. The Helpful Bit…

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Why the Helpful Bit?

Why the Helpful Bit?

Sometimes making a difference isn’t about finding information. It’s about finding the RIGHT information. As a systems analyst and developer, many resources provided a plethora of information, useful in deploying our strategem. These include reference materials, how-to videos, and blogs containing critical information, fundamentals, settings, assumptions, and instructions for how to handle common errors. Together, these pieces constitute a potent arsenal, but occasionally a key piece is missing. Unfortunately, the missing piece is seldom the proverbial queen of the chessboard….

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