NEW! The following are the most useful resources I’ve run across as it pertains to the Power Platform, specifically focusing on free, quality, in depth training to help beginners get started.
Power Platform
Microsoft Power Platform on Microsoft Learn
Microsoft offers solid, beginner friendly content. Contrasted with the much official product documentation, which tends to be geared towards experienced IT professionals, you will find plenty of entry level courses. I’d recommend any beginner start here.
Plugin Development for Dynamics 365
A thorough, 100+ page walkthrough of plugin development by Alex Shlega. I wish I’d seen this the first time I tried to write one. Be sure to check out his blog ItAintBoring.
Power BI
Power BI Guru. Check out Reza’s free e-book ‘From Rookie to Rockstar.‘
Please send any noteworthy recommendations, as I will add to this list as time goes on.